For companies
We enjoy collaborating with ambitious companies and organisations that wish to make a sustainable contribution to the city.
Business partner
Will you become our new partner?
More and more companies want to contribute to making Amsterdam more sustainable and more livable, as it is the city where your employees live, travel through, or where your office is located. Do you want to make a local and direct contribution to a sustainable city? Get in touch and become a partner of De Gezonde Stad.
We enjoy working with ambitious companies and organisations that want to join us in making a structural sustainable contribution to the city of Amsterdam. As a partner you support impactful projects, such as Bomen voor Amsterdam, De Gezonde Stad Monitor, Smaakroutes van Amsterdam and our entrepreneurial local food platform Van Amsterdamse Bodem!
Become a Supporter or ‘Stadsvriend’ and contribute with a fixed annual fee to a healthier Amsterdam, where we have access to local food, a more circular way of living, and a green environment! With a long-term partnership you will of course receive something in return. Take a look at the possibilities below. With a contribution of €25,000 or more we can personalise your partnership. And yes, of course! You can first try out working with us for a year. After that, we are happy to grow together!
- You are a Supporter from €5,000 per year, excluding VAT.
- You will receive an annual invitation to the partner meeting with sustainable leaders and companies from the city.
- A quarterly overview of the best sustainable activities in Amsterdam in your mailbox, with invitations to appealing sustainable events.
- You will also receive invitations for employees to volunteer for sustainable projects in the city. We like to roll up our sleeves together!
City Friend
- You are a City Friend from €10,000 per year, excluding VAT.
- You will receive our annual research report De Gezonde Stad Monitor and additional sustainability quiz.
- You receive the annual invite for the partner meeting with sustainable leaders and companies from the city.
- A quarterly overview of the best sustainable activities in Amsterdam in your mailbox.
- You will also receive invitations for employees to volunteer for a sustainable project in the city.

Daniël Gras
"With Green Wave, we donate a monthly amount to De Gezonde Stad to support its projects. This amount is directly linked to every sale we make, so we really involve employees in this collaboration. As a result, they know that they are directly contributing to making Amsterdam more sustainable."

Business donation
Will you make a donation for a sustainable and healthy city?
Making a local and direct contribution to sustainability? Thanks to donations, we work towards a green, sustainable and engaged city together with the inhabitants of Amsterdam.
Donations, big or small, always make us happy, because they help us in making even more sustainable impact. With a donation you support projects such as Bomen voor Amsterdam, De Gezonde Stad Monitor, Smaakroutes van Amsterdam and our platform Van Amsterdamse Bodem!
It’s great that your organisation wants to support our work! You can transfer your donation of choice to IBAN: NL50 TRIO 0254 7057 15 on the account of De Gezonde Stad, stating ‘bedrijfsgift’ + the name of your company.
Did you know that there are tax benefits for donating as a company?
As a company, you can make a donation to De Gezonde Stad under favourable conditions. Stichting De Gezonde Stad is an Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI). You will be able to find us in the ANBI-register with RSIN number 74.61.495.
For companies there are specific rules that differ from gift deduction for individuals. Good to know: we are not allowed to offer a consideration in return. However, your organisation can report the donation in its annual report. This is usually done under the heading MVO (CSR).
These companies support our mission

Get in touch with De Gezonde Stad!
Want to know more about partnership or donation opportunities, or have another question? Then leave your details here.
We naturally treat your data with care, read more about this in our privacy statement.